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Ohhhh...I love fairy tale art. Old or new, I love it!

Gerushia's New World


The fourth photo has a pink hiney...interesting.

JR Kinyak

Ha! These are great! The underpants ones do undermine the message to my modern mind, but I guess at one time being out in your underpants was almost as shameful as being nekkid. I LOVE the last one!

Laura Irrgang

I know...the shame of Underpants!
That last one is fabulous...so efficient with so few lines.
Its so happy.

Laura Irrgang

Thanks, Kim!
My new project is to get a Pinterest account set up for all these fairy tales.
A board for every fairy tale known to man....thats my goal!


I like the first one. Possibly because the naked emperor is seen from far away. :)

Laura Irrgang

That does seem to be the best vantage point for naked emperor viewing.

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