Length: 784 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks; 1st edition
Published: July 7, 2009
Back Cover:
Readers beware. The brilliant, breathtaking conclusion to J.K. Rowling's
spellbinding series is not for the faint of heart--such revelations,
battles, and betrayals await in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
that no fan will make it to the end unscathed. Luckily, Rowling has
prepped loyal readers for the end of her series by doling out
increasingly dark and dangerous tales of magic and mystery, shot through
with lessons about honor and contempt, love and loss, and right and
wrong. Fear not, you will find no spoilers in our review--to tell the
plot would ruin the journey, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
is an odyssey the likes of which Rowling's fans have not yet seen, and
are not likely to forget. But we would be remiss if we did not offer one
small suggestion before you embark on your final adventure with
Harry--bring plenty of tissues.
My review: I'm keeping my Harry Potter reviews brief because I doubt there are few people left who haven't read them. Let me just say...if you haven't given them a try yet, I highly recommend you do. These are books are a fun, magical journey from the youngest to the oldest reader. Don't miss out on this instant classic!
Rating: 5 Stars