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September 19, 2014


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Laura Tieri

Oh my, oh my! I want to go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where exactly is it? Is it somebody's personal, private collection?
I just watched a show about magicians & there was a guy who had a place like this but all having to do with the history of magic acts.
Those fortune telling machines are so cool & creepy at the same time!


LOooooooved it!! Violet is hilarious! I think she looks soo cute with her hair in a chongo (what we call a messy bun hairdo in spanish) and her borrowed oversized sweatshirt.

I remember things so vividly from that age. I am sure Jake the alligator man will go into the memory vaults and she'll tell stories about him throughout her life.

What fun fun! Love her sense of humor too!

What a place, my goodness!!

LOve, V

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