Hey, fellow art lovers-have you had your art fix today? If not, click on over to Artsy. It's a great site...comprehensive, fabulous detailed images, lots of artist info. Their contemporary galleries are extensive, but their historical information is also impressive. I'm not affiliated with them in any way, but I really like their site.
One feature I like is their "zoom" capability. Take a look at this example:
Portraits of Giuliano and Francesco Giamberti da Sangallo, by Piero di Cosimo. (Click title for link.)
If you follow the link and click on it within Artsy's site, you'll get a great glimpse into all those intricate details. Once you're there, click on any image and it will give you a sliding "zoom bar" below it.
Violet and I spent a lot of time examining the details in the background. I'd ask what she thought was going on in, she'd tell me, then we'd zoom in and see if she was right. Violet got so excited to see the tiny things we'd missed on our first glance.
In most reproductions online or in books, you just don't get enough resolution to see into the distance. With Artsy, you can zoom to your heart's content.
Self Portrait as a Catastrophic Failure by Julie Heffernan. (Click title for link.)
Awesome! Thanks for sharing the link!
Posted by: Maria | July 24, 2014 at 07:24 AM