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May 01, 2014


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I think the standing gold-topped thing is called an "engine telegraph"(?).In the old days, when the Captain or whoever is driving the boat wants the engine people (engineers!) to change the speed and/or direction of the engine, the boat driver moved the handle to tell the engine people what to do, and the engine people moved a corresponding handle in the engine compartment indicationg they would comply. Then again, I could be completely wrong!


Oh, neat! Thanks for the info, Grump. You have a library in your head. That's nice.


Our ferries are very nice. It is a treat to take a ferry ride to downtown Seattle. It doesn't save on time or expense, just a lovely way to travel. Glad you got to enjoy it.


I learned on the Block Island Ferry that if you're not feeling so well, outside is the place to be. I was cursing the friend who told me to go outside (via phone; I was meeting her on Block Island) all the way across the boat to the doors as the floor pitched and rolled underfoot. Then I got outside and my nausea disappeared like magic. I told my friend later that I was sorry for calling her bad names in my head. :)

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