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January 15, 2014


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Laura, it's a dream beyond dreams!!

What ever would I do with myself with a studio like that??? I haven't a clue!

I might faint!!

You lucky girl, enjoy enjoy enjoy clink clink!!

It beyond amazing!

Love, V


Hey, my " 's " went missing ;)

It's :)


I love it! So gorgeous! You both did a great job!


Thanks, Vanessa and Maria-
I love it! I'm so, so happy with it.


Truly incredible!!! A magical haven for your creative amazingness!

jill james

Laura....your man must really love you! Congratulations on a dream come true....it is truly magnificent.

Love salty blackberries! My daughter used to call raspberries velvet fruit.


That man is a gem, Jill.


Thank you, Amparo...I'm so happy. I think you need to visit around Dia de los Muertos and we'll toast to the Halloween Room and Fiesta Room. Maybe I should host an autumn GGN?


Oh my. Oh my!! Your studio is amazing and gorgeous and HUGE! You really created a magnificent and inspiring space to work in. Congratulations!

Gerushia's New World

Donna Collins

Laura, congratulations on the new studio - it's beautiful! You & Adam make a great team. I can just imagine all of the wonderful things that will come out of that amazing space. Hope you're feeling a little better - it's no fun being sick around the holidays (or any time for that matter!)

Rhonda Roo

Where's the green room so the girl with the emerald face (not related to the one with the dragon tattoo everybody talks about) can blend in with the scenery?


Must. Sleep. in. swinging. bed. with. morrocan. lantern. surround. zounds!

Congrats. I know you worked your arses off. It's lovely to see a plan come together. Now git in there and make sometin darnit!


xoxoxo Rhonda Roo

Lisa Muncy

OMG!!!! Just now seeing your Studio posts!! I'm in love with your studio, in love with your husband's talent (and yours!!) and in love with the whole look of the inside and outside! A large, lovely studio with many wonderful rooms, a patio, so many windows, oh my. . .it's fantastic!!!! Congrats!!!!


Thank you, Lisa! I'm glad you like it. I'm not sure how wise it was to put that many windows in a Texas studio, but I love the light.

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