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January 23, 2014


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Yum! Bacon burgers. Two of the most complimentary tastes around. (Bacon and beef!)


You are so right, Grump.

Rhonda Roo

Bacon burgers and salted caramels are "equal planets" too- in that they're both OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!

Hahaha. I crack myself up. Seriously. Jigyy poem.

I dig thai coconut soup muchly too by the by. But an all meat and greens diet sounds scary. I think my intestines would request i start dying things green.

Hope you're feeling better--have ya been shoo-ing creepy crawlies out of your lalaland?

(Hhmm. That didn't sound right..but you'll know what I mean.)


You must have a fav caramel recipe?? I haven't attempted to make them. They are so expensive to buy. There is a brand here in the PNW, Fran's, each smallish caramel costs about $2. And they aren't that delish.


Yep, Charlotte-it's ridiculous to pay $2.00 for a BITE. Hence my desire to make them myself. Because you can't have just ONE, now can you?

Do you want the recipe? It's a pain, but I'll be happy to send it to you. Easy, really...just time consuming. And very, very messy.

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