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October 24, 2013


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Vanessa {a Fanciful Twist}

SO lovely in your world!

It is going by too fast, tooo fast!!

I have not plunnged into autumn fully yet, and it is marching on.

I am in that weird stage of, it's still 86' here :) Tanning weather by mid day still.

And, it's October 24th, oh my!!

Please autumn, hang on please!

I LOOOOVE that first images to pieces.

A while back you posted a misty morning on the meadow, you almost want to see Mister Darcy walking out of the woods ;)


I'll take Adam walking out of the woods any day over Mr. Darcy. Moody Mr. Darcy!


Sweet and salty nibbles, pink eared kitties and definitely the warm babies ... Blissssss


Best time of year, best time to snuggle. Yours are out of the "snuggling years", huh? Hope you're having a good autumn!

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