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November 11, 2012


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awww what a precious picture of a beautiful little girl! thanks for the link too :)


There are never too many cute baby pictures!

The herbs look amazing! What a deal for 10 bucks! I'm so jealous - especially of the thyme and basil.

Laura Irrgang

I know..$10!!!!

Vanessa {a fanciful twist}

That is the most beautiful baby picture ever!! I mean seriously.


Oh, I love herbs.

I had soooooo much basil this year. 4 huge areas I could'nt use it enough or give enough away. It was such a joy. I hope it self seeds good.

It has in other places before.

I dried a bunch too - you are awesome oven drying them.

I had plans to dry and package my basil for Christmas gifts.

Umm, it froze before I could finish.


Your house must have smelled awesommmme!!

I love that my rosemary bushes stay pretty all winter.

Lovee uses rosemary+jojoba oil in his hair, so it always reminds me of him..... sigh....


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