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October 15, 2012


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Well Of COURSE Violet was a dragon! Dragons have purple sparkly parts and dinosaurs don't. What were people thinking???

Vanessa {a fanciful twist}

OH MY WORD!!! Scary Mary!!

You guys are a hoooot!

Laura, you look like you are in some far away show where girls are all tough and shoot, and are like, super army strong, and can fly holding that gun.

Violet is a doll, love the costume!!

Loooove, V

Jill James

Man.....your husband ranks right up there with Mr. Fireman! And, he brings home a gun......and you know how to shoot it! AMAZING.....

You & Violet look so festive :)


I like you with that high ponytail. Vi is really getting TALL. And, at long last, a pic of the baby.

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