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September 19, 2012


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I LOVE the fat baby shots!! She is precious!

One thing, I can't get over how different Piper and Violet look. So different in baby face shapes even, am I wrong? It is so exciting seeing Piper get a little bit bigger and bigger - I can't wait to see her walking around - and see who I see in her.

Although - I rather think we all look like ourselves.

I forget you are a real mommy. Until I see that shopping cart stroller contraption, and I say, oh wait, she really does have babies!!!

You aren't one of those people who has kids and now I can't see my friend anymore because she has disappeared into an abyss of a land I don't know.

You are still super fab - and fun too. And a wonderful mommy. Love the balance!


Your babies are so beautiful Laura!

Laura Irrgang

Aw, shucks, V!

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