(not my baby)
It's Knitting Club day at the library. I'll be working on getting a pair of Babylegs started.
(not my baby, but I'd happily nab that chair)
They're cute little legwarmers that make diaper changes a LOT easier during chilly months. Oh-wouldn't you just LOVE to have a giant ball of yarn like this? Where the heck would you put it, though? I always wanted one of those gigantic balls of rubber bands. Or twine. I'm impractical like that.
(no idea where this image came from....if you know I'll credit it)
Some people think it's crazy to knit in the middle of the summer. However, I find knitting so soothing and fun I want to knit all year long. Also, when it gets cold, it's nice to be almost done with a sweater or another cool-weather project.
I'm not done with my sundress yet, but I'm working on it. Linings are hard. For me, anyway. More on that later. Have a great Friday. My husband's off work---I didn't realize that until just now. What a nice surprise!
You know, mine's probably off work too. Not that his routine will be any different just because it's a holiday.
Posted by: Sally | July 03, 2009 at 12:23 PM